Yahallo! Alice here~

First of all, I have to apologize. I have promised to complete the Arc 2 of Isekai Cheat on my previous post but unfortunately, something urgent made me unable to so. Well, what can I do when my father forced me to come to our province for 1 week or more this Tuesday April 12(There is no internet on this hell >.<). He’s saying things like “your not doing anything just reading on your tablet or watching those cartoons (anime)” etc. forcing me to come with him with my brothers for a family outing. Good thing I am still lucky enough that I haven’t finished all my downloaded  good animes this last winter 2016 for my seasonal anime marathon. I hope these animes make me last for a while; Dimension W, Schwarzenmarken, Musaigen no Phantom World, Gate S2, PSO2 the animation, Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm, Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hakkei, Divine Gate, Luck & Logic, Shoujo-Tachi Wa Kouya Wo Mezasu and lastly Dagashi Kashi.

Then back on topic. I scheduled this post to be posted on Friday with only two chapters done. I don’t know if I can post chapters next week. And if we went home just like in our schedule, maybe I can post 1-2 chapters. But, if ever, this trip lasted much longer, please expect not to receive any chapters next Friday.

Here it is.

Chapter 13 – Large Invasion Part 1

Chapter 14 – Large Invasion Part 2



5 thoughts on “Yahallo! Alice here~

  1. aaaaaah…. gifle ou chatiment corporel = geste d’amour ? Je sens bien que madame va morfler ce soir… Franchement, faut il être tordu pour penser que c’est un geste d&qomus;arour… Pour moi, qui en ai subi, j’ai toujours pensé que c’était un acte de haine, et cela ne m’a absolument pas appris l’amour ni le respect de l’autre, par contre, la domination des plus faibles oui.


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